Saturday, June 7, 2008

finally back to work

I have finally made it back to work after having 2 wonderful weeks off. I worked my batuckus off over the last 2 weeks. B finally came home, now lets recap...
May 22...Thursday
surgery went well
May 23...Friday
B called at 4:30am and was in so much pain he was in tears
May 24...Saturday
B had a good day, pain is getting more manageable
May 25...Sunday
Did not visit B today...My puppy is very sick
May 26...Monday
Did not visit B today either now both puppies are sick...VET appointments for my wonderful medicine that will help to calm their tummies and soon, yeah!!!!
May 27...Tuesday
B comes home at 6pm, finally!!! He is weak but glad to be home. Puppies are feeling better but not perfect. A peaceful night I only got up 3 times to check on B.
May 28...Wednesday
B has a great idea, he wants to he goes into the bathroom and about 15 minutes later calls to me and asks me to come in there, so I go...he says he feels faint and lightheaded, so I tell him to sit down (I get the shower chair and place it behind him) he then says that he is going to vomit, I give him a large cup, thankfully dry heaves only...but then....his eyes roll back in his head and he passes out and starts to have a seizure and then another. He is postdictal for about 2 minutes and when he comes to he asks me what am I doing? I tell him I was trying to move him away from the door as he was dead weight in front of it and I couldn't get to a phone to call for an ambulance. He tells me no, and asks that I wait a few minutes to see if he feels better. We are both aware this may happen as his blood was very very low. He proceeded to get better as the day went on, however I didn't get any sleep for the next 3 nights due to worrying about him. He finally got his Procrit shot (10,000 units of red blood cells to help produce red blood cells and thicken his blood supply) and was feeling better.
May 29...Thursday (left hip 4 weeks post-op, right hip 1 week post-op)
We hung close to home today, kept an eye on B, puppies feeling much better.
May 30..Friday
B went to out patient physical therapy today...he did great, we really like his therapist
May 31...Saturday
Nothing much, just stayed close to home...the right hip is much slower to recover than the left was. Watched movies and B did all his exercises.
June 1...Sunday
We went to dinner with his parents and his grandparents to celebrate his Grampy's 83rd birthday.
June 2...Monday
Still nothing much, just keeping an eye on B and hoping that he starts to get stronger soon. He gets better everyday day but I'm still frantic. Watched movies and played with puppies.
June 3...Tuesday
Went shopping at Wal-mart B walked around and pushed the cart, no walker yeah!!!! He was tired after about an hour and we headed home to watch a movie with the puppies.
June 4...Wednesday
B graduated from his walker to crutches today!!!! He had therapy today and was shown how to walk with crutches and he was able to lay on his stomach for a few minutes he really loved this. He has not laid on his stomach since April 30th.
June 5...Thursday (left hip 5 weeks post-op, right hip 2 weeks post-op)
B did all his exercises and went for a ride to Blockbuster and the grocery store, he looks better every time he gets out and gets fresh air.
June 6... Friday
B went back to therapy today and was in the main gym using leg machines. He was finally happy, he really enjoys being back in the gym and getting there on crutches. He saw a lot of old friends in the gym and it really boosted his moral. He truly is a gym rat, my gym rat. I left him in good hands and decided it was time for me to get back into life again; I went into the gym and ran for the first time in 4 months (I ran 3 miles)...oh how I hate running!!!! Actually I loved every minute of it, after it was over. I truly enjoy running and can't wait to do it again. I plan on running 4/5 times a week, now that I feel comfortable leaving him for a hour or two. I had a hard time leaving him tonight, to return back to work but it was time. I love working and feeling as though I've made difference, and I love the guys I work with, they are a special group of officers.
I needed for me, to get back to work!!!!