Sunday, May 25, 2008

post-op right hip


We finally have completed B's marathon of surgeries, the right hip is now complete. B now has two brand new hips and they are in working order. He had surgery on Thursday morning at 7:30am, and was in recovery till 12:30 then it was on to South 3, the same exact room he was in after his left hip replacement surgery, ah, our old stomping ground, hee hee. He was awake most on the day, only dozing for a few minutes at a time. He really enjoyed the morphine pump. He tolerated the pain quite well all things considering. His doctor said things went very well and a full recovery should be forthcoming.
Life sucked!!! B hated Friday in its entirety. There was no good part about Friday, he had pain all day, and there was not a comfortable position to be found. He finally managed to get some sleep around 8pm as I was leaving to go to work. As for me Friday sucked as well; I was on a swap so I couldn't call in and I had a very sick puppy at home.
B was up walking all around the floor today, they couldn't keep him grounded, he loved being mobile. He was ahead of his pain all day today which resulted in a mild mannered hubby, I prefer it this way. B had to get a chest x-ray today because they thought he may have pneumonia, we are waiting for the results. B may have had good hip day, but he had a bad lab day. His hematocrit is at 22, which means if he is feeling dizzy, light headed or weak he will require a blood transfusion. His kidney function is charting high which the doctor says he may not be released on Monday if this does not get within normal ranges. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he gets to come home on Monday. On the puppy note...NOT ANY BETTER!!! It took me 5 hours to clean all the carpets in the house today with the shampooer, not fun, but I am not mad at her, she is sick and can't help herself. My sister came to help with her and boiled hamburg and white rice for her to eat.We are hoping she just has a bug and will start to feel better soon. We are praying for her to feel better, she is our little girl, our baby girl.
Sunday:...I know it's early but...
I went home at 2 am to check on Annabelle and she had only 2 small accidents on the paper I put down and came running to see me, hopefully we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, again fingers crossed.
I spoke with B at 3am and he was getting his blood drawn, i have no idea why they draw blood at 3am, it puzzles me.