Is it really snowing again? That would be yes, it really is snowing again. I know I live in Massachusetts but ahh hello, we have had enough!!!! We don't need anymore snow....NONE!!!! We are projected to get another 8-10 inches, I have not finished cleaning up from that last storm, oh not to mention that was an ice storm and not all that easy to clean up after...which is why I still have a good 6 inches of ice sitting in my driveway.
So do I really want more snow? NO!!!!
But as for everything else, nothing new here....B is off for the next 3 days. So I will not be in my normal routine....till Wednesday....I can't wait for him to go back to work already. I love having him home but OMG I hate having to give up my routine to accommodate him. I know, I know, I love him, but really, its is how I roll people....Sleep till noon, get up check mail, pay bills and relax. When he is home it is nonstop commotion in the house, always on the go, something needs to be done....He is always running errands and getting the normal life stuff done, where as I would love for it to wait till after know on my schedule.
Monday will be a day in of itself...we are heading into Boston for his appointment, and we are taking Kailyn because yeah, we aren't going to be stressed enough why not add a one year old to the mix. ARHHH I can't believe we are going to Boston anyway, but whatever!!!!

This is what life in our house looks like...
always a puppy close by,
always in need of cuddling.
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