Friday, September 26, 2008

It has been awhile

It has been awhile....We have been busy getting ready for our home study for the adoption. We are well in to our MAPP classes, and we are actively looking for a child; at this point we don't care if it is a boy or girl. We just want to have them in our home and safe. We are finding going through DCF the children are not in safe environments, and the need is now. We are getting very excited as you can imagine, we are in our ninth month so this is beginning to feel like a pregnancy at this point. Our case worker says it could take up to another year, I don't want to wait another year!!!
B finally went back to work full duty this week. He was funny this afternoon when he got home, he told me all the inmates treated him like a celebrity as they had not seen him in 5 months. Mind you, B is not friendly with the inmates; he is merely fair and they recognise the good in this remark. He loves his job, although he will NEVER admit it out loud. He is one of the good guys, I can say that because I have been there and walked the block too. I have seen what makes his day and what destroys it. I love when he comes home and tells me, "Hey, I made a difference today" mind you, this is not something that is said everyday in prison.
I got to visit with my daddy over the weekend and he is doing as well as can be expected and he is still using B's walker. He says he can not get around without it. I hate knowing that but at least he is getting around on his own, and his quality of life is still good.


mmayeski said...

Glad to hear things are still going good for you guys and that yoiu dad is well also. Hopefully you'll get the adoption sooner than another year!