I managed to run 4 more miles this morning. It was not easy but it was completed!!! B did great, he walked a mile and the went on to weights...he was on a roll, he did strength training for over an hour. I ran 3 on the treadmill and 1 mile on the indoor track. I have committed myself to just using the track from now on, as it gives you nothing!!! It is all you, nothing to help you get there. I love using the track actually, I put on my MP3 player and off I go. However the only downside is that it is on the second level and there is no air up there, heat rises!!! ARHH!
I have a major ache in my left shoulder area, more like a pinched nerve, it hurts but it will not keep me from running. I actually feel better when I run. 

We are having a breakfast birthday this morning with my friend Kevin, he is turning 26, so young. We are going to be taking care of his 6 month old next week, her name is Kailyn..I hear she is a good baby. Her daddy actually stayed home with her everyday for her first 6 months before he headed back to work, he says he is the luckiest dad in the world, he loved all the one on one bonding time with her.
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