Sunday, June 12, 2011
Posted by Unknown at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I made it
Posted by Unknown at 12:41 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Posted by Unknown at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Update 9/1/09 @ 10pm
Posted by Unknown at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
So things have really changed and I managed to update last night, wow what a night can do. We are at Mass General waiting for dad to hurry up and get done with his heart transplant, yuppers that what I said, get done with the heart transplant. Dad called me this morning around 11:45 and said he was on his way to the hospital, matter of fact, I asked what was wrong, he very calmly said nothing was wrong that they called and said they had a heart with his name on it so off he went. Brian and I scrambled to get Titan settled into a friends house, Riley and Annabelle are safely tucked away at home in their own beds with Auntie Erin, she is our savior, we can't express how wonderful she is when it comes to taking care of our pups. We never have to ask she always volunteers, she is simply amazing. I on the other hand am a nutcase!!!! The waiting is incredibly nerve wracking and seems to never end, but I know that the outcome will be far better than ever imagined. Dad was excited to be heading into the OR today knowing what was ahead of him, he was super anxious but like a kid in a candy store waiting with wide eyes open to all the new possibilities awaiting him tomorrow. Mom is nervous as can be expected but we are all hanging in there waiting for word that this very long journey will soon be over, with a very happy outcome.
Posted by Unknown at 9:00 PM 0 comments
We finally received our gorgeous package from Florida... His name is Titan and he is wonderful, he truly does complete our family. He is our Brindle puppy, he is so cute and his personality fits into our home as if he has always been there. He has his quirks, for example...he only sleeps at night for daddy, never during the day for mommy. I am trying to break him of this as I have not slept at all during then day since he arrived on July 19th at 10pm..yes we drove to Albany NY and picked him up. He travels well and loves to be in the car, we take him everywhere with us. He has been out to dinner with my parents and my In Laws. He has been to Grammy's house and to Grampy Tags house. He has met his cousins Sandy and Joey, he loves to socialize.
Posted by Unknown at 1:54 AM 0 comments
WOW, have I been away for awhile...I have been updating Riley's Blog and neglecting my own, shame on me! So what has been going on in my world for the past oh I don't know 5 months????? Well lets see, Dad went into the hosptial and needs a heart transplant, yup, I have been dealing with that, but he has since had VAD surgery that has gotten him home. He is at home waiting for his new heart, hopefully we won't have to wait to long, but on the other hand he is happy to just be home living everyday.
Posted by Unknown at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dinner Time
This is the first time with real puppy food, Liza is SO happy.
Posted by Unknown at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Pool Party
Puppies in da pool, anything to contain them in one place...Liza says they are all over the place, hee hee BOL.
Posted by Unknown at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
This is how Riley and Annabelle greet us as we walk in the door everyday!!!!
Posted by Unknown at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
New Blog
Posted by Unknown at 5:47 AM 0 comments
We went to visit dad in the hospital on Sunday, and we knew he was in the cath lab, because Ellen his RN called to let us know he would not be in his room and that the PA line they placed for surgery had to be removed immediately because It was Heparin coated and dad is allergic to Heparin and it was causing him to go in and out of Ventricular tachycardia. We arrived at MGH about 15 minutes later and called the desk to let them know we were in the waiting room, and to let us know when dad was back in his room….about 10 minutes later we hear over the inter come “CODE BLUE CODE BLUE IN THE CATH LAB” we panic, Dad is in the cath lab! I call the nurses desk and I am told that they don’t know anything yet and as soon as they do, they will get in touch with me, about 20 minutes of sheer panic and stress goes by and we see ELLEN walking in saying it was NOT dad, she reassures me he is fine and she spoke with him, he is ok.
He gets back to his room about 2 hours later and I cry out of fear, I finally BROKE! He is in good spirits and doing well, being sarcastic and cracking jokes. I walk out of there held up by Brian as I have nothing left, I am emotionally, physically and literally EXHAUSTED, 65 days of living on the edge, now we continue to wait for a new heart and hope one arrives soon….
Posted by Unknown at 2:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
We thought we had a heart on Friday night and we did up until a minute before surgery, when they called it off due to a bad donor heart, it would not hold a rhythm once it got back to Boston, the doctors and the balloon pump guy both said they made the right decision by not transplanting, it was a bad heart. We see him back in his room on Saturday afternoon and he is doing well and in good spirits and understands the need to call off the surgery. We went to visit him on Sunday and his nurse called to tell us he was in the Cath Lab and would be back in his room around 1pm. We arrive and wait in the waiting room only to hear CODE BLUE CODE BLUE in the CATH LAB. Can you say PANIC? We were not the only ones panicking, the whole floor was, everyone thought it was dad. They sent a nurse running down to see what was going on, she came into the waiting room about 20 minutes later to tell us it was NOT dad and she had spoken to him and reassured us he was fine. STRESSFUL 20 MINUTES!!!!!! I finally saw dad 2 hours later and just cried, I broke, that was it, he was ok…dad was ok. He is still ok and waiting for a new heart, we will get one, I know we will..this time it will be the RIGHT HEART!
Posted by Unknown at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I finally saw dad smile this morning, he is officially listed for transplant, ahhhh finally and just in time for the long holiday weekend. He was sarcastic when his favorite RN asked how he was feeling tonight, and he has not been sarcastic for the past9 days, so this is a huge improvement for him. He looked so much better that my sister had to text me to tell me she couldn't believe the change in him, oh and he ate his lunch and dinner again something he has not done in 9 days. Things are finally starting to look up, i will keep you all posted...
Posted by Unknown at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Good News
We got some really good news today.... All of Dads medical bills are and will be paid in full, we have no bills!!! He is covered 100%, Can you say RELIEF???? We are waiting to hear on the relisting, but we also want him to be in prime surgical mode to do it,
Posted by Unknown at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sad Day today
While visiting with my dad this morning, B's phone rang and it was his dad's number....B and his dad have not spoken for over 6 years, so he knew right away this was not a good phone call. I placed the call back and his step mother answered and informed that B's uncle had passed away over night in his sleep at the age of 46.
Posted by Unknown at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
still not ...
Dad is still not listed for transplant yer because of the damn neg read on his Heparin test..he has 3 neg borderline tests, we need one NEGATIVE only read to get him back on the list, we are hoping to have him relisted by the weekend, other news Riley was feeling better this morning and tonight as I was leaving for work he refused his treat, which is never a good sign. B went home and made him a waffle and that seemed to work its magic and B says he was feeling better, so now we wait and see...I have had enough of waiting and hoping and seeing to last a life time, thank you very much....
Posted by Unknown at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
I am running today after going to Boston, I must get in 5 miles!!!! Then I am going to bed for the afternoon.....ahhh sleepy
Posted by Unknown at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Again updates
Riley was so much better today!!!! We took mom out for breakfast and enjoyed some pancakes and bacon can you say..."YUMMY!" Mom enjoyed it and so did we. After breakfast we went into Boston to see Daddy..his numbers were fantastic today...his NVO2 numbers were awesome..refers to his cardiac pulmonary output function (lung & heart pressure) His sugar and potassium were right on the money and his white blood cell count was great, and his sodium was up so he got have some ice in his diet we are looking to have him relisted in the morning, pending nothing happening over night.
Posted by Unknown at 2:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
My baby
My baby was sick today, I hate when he is sick it makes my heart ache. I went to Boston this morning solo, because B stayed home to make sure Riley was ok and if he did get sick, I wanted B to comfort him.
I had a nice visit with dad, it was just a daddy daughter visit...relaxing and comforting. We had a nice chat and he remained upbeat and can't wait to get a new heart and continue to live life outside a hospital room.
Posted by Unknown at 2:48 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I have made new friends and am now taking on a new adventure ...I am making bags "puppy themed", for doggie mommies**...if interested comment and let me know...
Teachers Totes..Canvas totes...Dimensions: 14 1/2"wide x 16"high x 4" deep with a 21" handle and includes a front pocket for smaller items or cell phone
Gift Totes ...100% Cotton Canvas Mini Gift Tote Bag 4 x 8 x 4 gusseted perfect for "thank you" gift or gift cards"
All have ribbon for personalization, can embroider, and silk screen if wanted...let me know. Price will depend on bag and work...way cheaper than most places advertise I promise and hand finished.
**Does not have to be "puppy themed"
Posted by Unknown at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Our days all depend on numbers...numbers mean everything. They decide what gets done and what gets to wait; for example...dads potassium numbers are low which means no water or ice. Fluid restriction to 1500cc's a day (32oz for the day, not alot) we monitor his white blood cell count, if the numbers are high that means infection, if too low then we monitor for other complications. We check his sugar levels, insulin or not depending again on the numbers, see where this is going...everything is on the numbers. Now we are hoping his Heparin numbers read negative so we can get him back on the transplant list. If any of the above numbers are not met everyday he can be deactivated off the list, numbers rule our world, and I am beginning to hate numbers. this is just a partial list of numbers to be met everyday, too many to count, no pun intended.
Posted by Unknown at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
So today was not the kind of day you want when you are waiting on a heart transplant. Dad was deactivated this morning due to an allergy he developed to Heparin, causing minor blood clots in his feet, resulting in them turning blue. He was placed on a new medicine called Argatroban, hoping to get the heparin out of his system and have the test come back negative so he can be placed back on the list as early as this weekend, fingers crossed. He is doing fine otherwise; all is complicated when waiting as different things tend to arise, but you take the good with the bad as they say, one day at a time.
Posted by Unknown at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Riley has a blog
I love to write children's books, so I am going to let the imagination run wild and give it a shot here for entertainment....
Posted by Unknown at 5:17 AM 0 comments
running and stuff
Posted by Unknown at 3:00 AM 0 comments
I wrote a note..check it out if you have minute, many have asked about the is the story... this is the conversation I woke up to came out of left field...
The reference to Kevin..her husband, my best freind, father to Kailyn whom I watched free for 8 months...then it goes to this... ignorance is bliss....
May 4 at 5:46pm
Lindsay Center wrote..your a huge fucking bitch you know people can see what you type on facebook especiallywhen its on dont ask about kailyn anymore she is none of your business i dont want you near here either. have a nice life!
May 4 at 5:55pm
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia Yup I'm the bitch, got it check... So happy for Kevin! woohoo!
Sent via Facebook Mobile Lindsay Center
May 4 at 5:59pm
Lindsay Center ....go to hell monique... yet me and kevin are still married and reconcilling right??? hmm!!! bet you didnt know that one either..too bad your losing daddy!!! too bad you cant see my daughter wish you could have her dont you! but you'll never see my little princess again! and im pretty sure kevins pissed at you right now for pissing me off! May 4 at 6:24pm
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia Really??? Not what he says, divorce is processed and waiting his 90 days till free of you.
Sent via Facebook Mobile Lindsay Center
May 4 at 6:26pm
Lindsay Center ....Yep! But I dont have time for your childish banter I have to go get my daughters things ready for her for when she comes home..but you wouldnt know what that is like. oh btw the purple chair if you could please give it to kevin and if theres anything else of my daughter's there that she may have left as well...thank you in advance for giving
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia is happy to know childish ppl who are so immature it shows in their attitude. Finally others woke up & got the HELL out! I'm so happy for them! Go M & K.
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia at 6:05pm May 4
Not everything is about you. Get over yourself! I have other friends going through divorce its not all about Lindsay.
Lindsay Center commented on your status: "go to hell u cunt"
Lindsay Center commented on your status: "never said it was monique, but theres no need to post shit on kevins fb page about me either. You need toget over yourself and need to stop have people feeling sorry for you and your family right now. and like i said kevin and i r reconciling,"
Stop feeling sorry for me? Life sucks, my dad is dying you dumb shit, but you'd have to have feelings and maturity to understand such complicated issues, so I'm not surprised you don't get it!
Lindsay Center commented on your status: "no shit life sucks! people die its life no one should have to be put on life support and play the waiting game. i actually do have feelings but not for others who wants people to feel sorry for them... maybe your first husband did the right thing by divorcing your sorry ass!!!!
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia My sorry ass, look in the mirror! Yet I have a happy blissful marriage. Hope you are never put in this situation b/c life is precious & you don't get it.
Monique Balthazar-Tagliavia is happy to know dad is doing well &waiting ptly for a new heart despite others wishing him "death" THX Lindsay good to know!
This my dear friends is what an ignorant person will post, do I feel sorry for her..YOU BET!!! Her world is falling apart and she knows it, can I accept her ignorance, yup! I can..Why because I know her and feel sorry for her, she needs to bring others down and say hurtful things just to make her own pathetic life more for that I say...Lindsay you are forgiven for all your ignorant comments!!!
Posted by Unknown at 2:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 4:21 AM 0 comments
updates and stuff
Posted by Unknown at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
sitting up
Posted by Unknown at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 12:35 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wow where has the time gone?
Posted by Unknown at 4:26 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
me....7 to 8 inches long on both sides
dad...the nurse measured mine today and guess how long?
me ...4 inches?
dad... guess again
me....7 inches?
dad...X3!...the scar is 21 inches long and runs from the back of my knee to the lower part of my back....
me....WOW!!! glad B's is small
dad...whatever I gotta don't care...
And with that the phone call ended...he knows I care, that's just the way we are ...SARCASTIC!
Like father like daughter, hee hee
Posted by Unknown at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
where have I been?
Posted by Unknown at 4:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Posted by Unknown at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ice storm 2008
This is the side of my house, ice, ice, ice! Most of the tree came down, knocking out the powerlines and fun, no power.
Posted by Unknown at 12:40 PM 0 comments
more than enough already
AHHH, I have had more than enough already, as in all the ice storms. We are getting hit again as I type with yet another ice storm. We had a very severe one back on Dec. 12 that left some in the area without power for over 2 weeks,and now here we are again, aarrhhhh. I will upload pics as soon as I can get them on the computer. Nothing new as far as everything else is concerned. I watched Kailyn yesterday and she was here for 12 hours and was awake only about 3 hours, she has double ear infections and was very sleepy because of meds, however I watched her every minute constantly checking on her as she had been vomiting the night before, ahh I was a nervous wreck, oh and I worked the night before so I had yet to sleep, I believe I was awake for over 36 hours, so tired. B was home yesterday so that made things nicer yesterday, but again I did not sleep, as he was running errands and getting movies. We managed to watch 8 episodes of NCIS yesterday and the Women, we kept vigil of Kailyn all the while.
I am done shoveling, I have been out there 3 times and every time I finish the damn plow drivers put it all back in the driveway, mind you the road is bare down to the pavement so I have no idea where the keep finding snow and ice to put in the driveway, aarrrhhh. I hate Plow drivers!!!!! Ahh I feel better having gotten that off my chest....the snow/ice/slush/sleet is very heavy!!!! I love winter, but this is ridiculous, enough already!!!!!
Side note, for Christmas I got my mom, brother and nephew gift certs to a newly opened indoor water park. My dad called me and said he couldn't get my mom to leave, she spent 11 hours there and the whole time she was in the adult only indoor/outdoor spa, as in hot tub. She loved that she could float over to the side that was outside and enjoy the spa in the snow, she loved it. She called me the next day and mentioned that this is the only gift I am ever allowed to get her again. She loved having the whole day to relax and watch her grandson having a great time. She is awesome, I am so glad mom, enjoyed her gift.
Posted by Unknown at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
2009...yeah not so much
Posted by Unknown at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2009 Goals...
Posted by Unknown at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Posted by Unknown at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas recap
Posted by Unknown at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
shopping done?
Posted by Unknown at 2:21 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Here is where we stand
Posted by Unknown at 11:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Where have I been?
Posted by Unknown at 3:18 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cross fit
I have begun a new era of training. I want to run a half marathon in less than 3 months and I NEED to get in shape, and fast! So I have gone back to the gym full time, working out, Ride Classes and training with my trainer Kevin 3-4 days a week doing Crossfit.
What is Crossfit you ask? Crossfit is... a strength and conditioning program based around functional movement patterns. They are anaerobic based workouts to increase power, strength, speed, agility, balance, flexibility, coordination, cardiovascular endurance, accuracy and stamina. Sounds easy enough right? Yeah...NO!
Here is workout from Friday...
36 Burpies
36 push ups
36 Deep knee squarts
Run .25 = one have to do theis for 3 cycles for time...
I managed to get it all done in 18:54, I felt like dying when it was over, but I felt great.
I knew I had been at the gym and really worked out.
Tuesday's workout was 5 exercises for one minute NO BREAKS...3 cycles
KETTLEBELL SWING ..40lbs dumbbell
RUN as fast as you can for 1 min.
AHH, it felt like HELL.. I loved it!!!!
Brian is going to join me on Friday night to see what kind of hell he puts me through...thankfully I don't pay for this punishment but the others in the class pay $400.00 a month for this punishment. I watch his kid, I think he is making out in the deal.
Posted by Unknown at 3:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day
Posted by Unknown at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
10 things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving
10. Having a job that not only do I like I actually don't mind voluntarily picking up overtime.
9. Having great health insurance, with out this B's surgeries would have cost us our home and all our savings.
8. Working with people you actually like, this is not always easy, but makes the day go by easier.
7.B's job, hate the state love the paycheck
6.Grand parents (his, mine have passed)
5.In laws
4.Kevin and Kailyn, best friend and precious baby girl.
3.Craig and Amy, greatest friend there are, thanks for seeing us through the bad and unhappy times
2.My mom, dad, brothers and sisters, whom I love dearly, you have shaped me into who I have become, thank you.
1. B, I am so thankful for everything he does and I appreciate him for being the man he is. I love everything about him and would not change a thing. He is kind, loving, sweet, caring, thoughtful, respectful, and the most generous man I know.
1. My wonderful and precious babies, Riley, Annabell, and our angels, Lily and Baron. They are my whole world, the sun rises and sets by their eyes alone. They are the 4 very best things that have ever happened to me.
Riley, you have always been there for me through everything. It was you and I baby, till Lily came along, then we were a team the three of us.
Lily, I will never forget you, you are and always will be my first little gurl, I love you and miss you everyday.
Annabelle, you were not what what we were looking for that day in July but you were and continue to be EXACTLY what we all needed. You are my very bestest little gurly guly, I am thankful everyday for what you did for Riley and Baron.
Baron, you came and tried my patience and never learned to get along with Riley but I know you loved and cared about each other in your own way, we love and miss you everyday, Daddy was and still is you biggest fan and continues to mourn your loss everyday, Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and Lily. Both are always in our hearts and never far from our thoughts.
Posted by Unknown at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Turkey day plans
So there is still nothing much new to report here except for that fact my dad is now an insulin dependent diabetic. Not good news in of itself, but the news could be much worse so we will take it as it is. B has been enjoying his Ride Classes, as we have taken a few in the last few days. Dinner at the in laws was wonderful and I'm glad we went. Grammy and Grampy were very friendly and and mom and dad in law were entertaining. We watched the the Patriots game and I witnessed my first ever fight in the NFL, it was awesome. I loved it, and Grampy really loved he said he doesn't remember the last time he say a good knock down fight in football. I will be enjoying Thanksgiving breakfast at my friend Amy's house with her and her husband and family, we will be dining on scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, waffles, pancakes and crepes, i will be bringing homemade cinnamon rolls, yum-o, I can't wait for breakfast. I will then be heading home for some much needed sleep as I am working that night at 6pm, I have overtime on the holiday, nice, NOT! I will see B at 5 pm when he gets home and then not again till the next morning. Amy was very kind and has informed me that she will be bringing over a full turkey day dinner to the station for me, and to the house for B. They are the nicest sweetest people we have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.
Posted by Unknown at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Posted by Unknown at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Posted by Unknown at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
I started back on WW on Monday and I'm already down 4 whole pounds. WOOOHOOO!

Posted by Unknown at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's official...
Posted by Unknown at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hey all...
What can I say? It was NOT the Tampa Bay Rays!
I am a die hard Red Sox fan, so I celebrate with the Phillie fans tonight, they deserve it.
Twenty-five years is along time to wait, the wait is now over, enjoy the spotlight.
2008 World Series Champions!!!
We went over a friends house for pizza tonight and it was wonderful to get away for a couple of hours. Their house is gorgeous!!! If we were to build our dream home, this would be it.
7 year olds: we are meeting friends for dessert and drinks, yum-o!
Sunday we are attending a 60th birthday party for a friends dad, we can't wait to meet the entire family, should be lots of fun.
Other than that we have not been very exciting this week, I have had numerous hours of overtime, so much so, my puppies are trying to figure out who I am anymore. I can't wait to go home in 1 hour and 40 minutes, but who's counting.
Posted by Unknown at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
oh my..
Oh my, we are having some wild weather here. Fall has arrived with all the wind. People will be very surprised tomorrow morning when they wake and see all the leaves have fallen. The night has been very strange, flooding and such. We are so busy it is unreal, I hope the night gets better, seeing as I am here for 8 more hours.
AHH....people Halloween is next week, not tonight!!!! It is a very strange night, very strange indeed.
Posted by Unknown at 3:36 AM 0 comments

Posted by Unknown at 12:12 AM 0 comments